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Patients with high blood pressure diet guidelines

In the spring, people who essence of liver Yang, particularly prone to headaches and dizziness. So in the spring of hypertension patients is to pay attention to, we in addition to take their medicine every day, we have to guarantee our diet, such work along both lines, so we can assure the health of patients with high blood pressure.


1. The dietary appropriate is delicate, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, food (vegetable) food (fruit). According to reports, a day to eat vegetables and fruit can make stroke risk by 6%, 5 to 6 servings of fruit and vegetables a day can make the stroke risk by 30%. Citrus fruit, fruit juice, cabbage, radish, celery, cucumber, cabbage and other green leafy vegetables are protective effect on cardiovascular, often can eat.


2. Control the intake of salt. Too much salt, will aggravate. General hypertension patients of salt every day the best control in 4-6 grams of the following. Is important to note that in a low salt diet at the same time, to increase the intake of potassium, potassium can protect myocardial cells. So can eat more food containing potassium, such as amaranth and spinach, oil (oil) vegetables, tomatoes, balsam pear, Chinese yam, etc. But patients with hypertension complicated with kidney failure, should not eat the food with much potassium, potassium in case too much and cause arrhythmia.


3. Control the intake of cholesterol, fatty acid. Eat less greasy food, especially animal fats, limited to eat all kinds of animal internal organs (heart, liver, kidney), fat, cream, egg yolks, fish, eel, eel, river crab roe contain the food with high cholesterol, fatty acid, etc. Can right amount edible peanut oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, etc. In order to avoid increase the burden of the kidney, protein intake is not too much, in general/kg bw/day eating high-quality protein (protein foods) about 1 g is advisable.


4. To quit alcohol. The nicotine in cigarettes can stimulate the heart, increased heart rate, which prompted vasoconstriction, lead to increased blood pressure, nicotine can also prompt cholesterol deposition in the blood vessel walls, increase the chance of coronary heart disease and stroke. Small amounts of alcohol can increase the "high-density lipoprotein in the blood, can prevent atherosclerosis, should with low-grade a advisable, excessive drinking of gloss, accelerates atherosclerosis, and antihypertensive drug resistance action.


If you need to patients is high or you have high blood pressure patients, then we can through our method to resolve above high blood pressure, but no matter how our diets, we can't leave the drugs.


Adjust blood lipid in hyperlipidemia patients, diet is very important, so the following principle must be want to know your diet.


(1) keep the heat equilibrium, hunger should not be excessive, not partial eclipse, not overeating or stuffed full meal, change the habit of eating food taken late at night before his supper and go to sleep.


(2) staple food should give priority to with grains, weight collocation. Whole grains can increase the composition such as corn, you flour, oats, keeping carbohydrates heating accounts for more than 55% of total calories.


(3) increase soy food, raise the utilization ratio of protein, in terms of dried beans, should the average daily intake of more than 30 g, 45 g or tofu or bean curd cake, 75-75 g.


(4) in the structure of the animal food, increase animal food containing fatty acids and higher protein, such as fish, poultry, lean lean, reduce fat land animals, eventually make the intake of animal protein accounted for 20% of total daily protein intake, daily total fat heating quantity does not exceed 30% of the total quantity of heat.


(5) keep cooking oil is given priority to with vegetable oil, daily consumption per person with 25-30 g advisable.


(6) should be less saturated fatty acid in the dietary composition, to increase unsaturated fatty acids (margarine instead of butter, skimmed milk instead of whole milk), the saturated fatty acid heating quantity does not exceed 10% of the total quantity of heat, single unsaturated fatty acids accounted for 10% of total calories -- 10%, polyunsaturated fatty acids accounted for 7% of total calories by 10%.


(7) to improve the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids. Western dietary recommendations should reach the ratio of 0.5 a 0.7, China's traditional diet low in fat, fatty acids and saturated fatty acid ratio in 1 above.

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